
  We’re delighted you took some time to explore our website. The goal of this site is to help educate, provide tips/advice and most importantly  spread the word about the sport we’ve all come to love and play – Pickleball.

V&A Pickleball was founded with a very simple vision:

  • Educate people about wonderful sport i.e, Pickleball.
  • To provide the best, most reliable, source cited,easy to understand and science-backed opinions on Pickleball gear and strategies.
  • To create and nurture a community of supportive individuals willing to help each other and feel more confident about playing pickleball.


                    If you have any questions or opinions you would like to share, please do so in the comment section of the articles or email us at info@vandapickleball.com. We will try my best to get your questions answered.